
01 2020 Nasıh Sarp ERGUVEN, Burcu OZSOY, Ozgun OKTAR, Sinan YIRMIBESOGLU, Implementation of IMO Polar Code: A Critical View Through a Multidisciplinary Approach, Polar Law Symposium 2020, Kobe / Japan, 23-25 November 2020.
02 2023

Rebecca CAMPOS-CUELLAR, Rocío PRIETO GONZÁLEZ, Laurent BOUVERET, Mustafa SÖZEN, Olexiy YANCHUKOV, Nastassia ULUDÜZ, Karina VİSHNYAKOVA, Jeffrey BERNUS, "Humpback whale population of Lesser Antilles: testing of the individual's recognition through two photo-ID platforms", Humpback whale World Congress, Dominic Republic, 6-10 March 2023.



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