Organizational Culture and Policies


To allow Türkiye to have a say in polar regions (the Antarctic, the Arctic and surrounding oceans), to enhance Türkiye’s visibility, to serve as an interface conducting the efforts in science, research, law,  and technology development and to raise awareness and provide training/education on climate change.


To conduct studies on Polar Regions (the Antarctic, the Arctic and surrounding oceans) by cooperating with all national institutions, to enhance Türkiye’s visibility in international platforms, to raise awareness and provide training/education on climate change and to contribute to the accumulation of scientific knowledge in deep-sea and polar geopolitics and law.


    2. To ensure Türkiye to support the Antarctic Treaty System
    3. To conduct polar expeditions to increase scientific studies in these regions
    4. To establish and operate a Scientific Research Base in the Antarctic
    5. To create a coordination center/platform for the participation of all stakeholders in Türkiye
    6. To raise awareness and provide training/education about climate change
    7. To ensure the transposition of polar environmental law to national law
    8. To ensure the formation of an organizational-scientific memory about the polar regions

Management Policy

In line with the Management Policy of TÜBİTAK MAM, Polar Research Institute aims

  • to conduct studies at national and international standards by employing innovative perspectives and national products, equipment and technologies at the maximum level
  • to form an organizational memory about the polar regions and to become a coordination center for scientific studies
  • and to be a pioneering and well-reputed polar research institution in national and international platforms.
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