



  • Burcu Ozsoy, Advisor: Hongjie Xie, Estimation of Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness from Surface and Space Borne Altimetry, University of Texas, 2010
  • Okan Bozyurt, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hakan Yiğitbaşıoğlu, The effects of solar activities over North Atlantic oscillation and arctic oscillation and the evaluation of north atlantic and arctic oscillations in terms of precipitation and temperature by the cases from Turkey, Ankara University, 2010
  • Tugba Ozturk, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Levent Kurnaz, Improving physical parameterization for warm bias of RegCM4.0 on arctic and sub-arctic (Mid, Mid-east and Northeast) Asia regions, Bogazici University, 2014
  • Elcin Doruk, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Siret Hursoy, Governing of global commons in the scope of the international regime: The case of Antarctica, Ege University, 2018
  • Ahmet Civanoğlu, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hasan Berke Dilan, New Directions in Turkish Foreign Policy: Establishing a Turkish Research Base in Antarctica and Predictions for the Future of the Continent, Trakya University, 2019
  • Meriç Karahalil, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, Lack of Arctic and Antarctic Issues in International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters and Suggesting Positive Improvements, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering, 2021.
  • Elif Seda Koçoğlu, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sezgin Bakırdere, Development of Innovative Preconcentration Methods for Determination of Organic/Inorganic Analytes in Different Matrices and Elemental Distributions in Pole Samples, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry, 2023.


  • Seray Toker, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Efe Biresselioğlu, United States and Russia in the Arctic Energy Future: Rivalry or Harmony?, Izmir Economy University, 2014
  • Selçuk Demirkılınç, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Harun Gumrukcu, Defining of the Arctic as a Political Region and the Arctic Regionalism within the Framework of Regionalism Studies, Akdeniz University, 2015
  • Aybüke İnan, Advisor: Prof. Harun Gumrukcu, The Delimitation of Arctic Marine Areas with the Institutionalization Framework, Akdeniz University, 2015
  • Mehmet Ersan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Future of Arctic Maritime Activities in the Light of Climate Change, Istanbul Technical University, 2016
  • Nurcihan Dernek, Advisor: Prof. Taşkın Kavzoğlu and Assoc. Prof. Burcu, Determination of Sea Ice in Arctic Region and Antarctic Continent by Remote Sensing Methods, Gebze Technical University, 2017
  • Eda Ayaydin, Advisor: Assist. Prof. Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak, The Arctic Region: Impact of Global Warming & Competition for Energy Resources, Yeditepe University, 2017
  • Oktay Ateş, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Fatih Özbay, Arctic Policy of the Russian Federation, Istanbul University, 2017
  • Ozgun Oktar, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Establish a Dataset of Co-located in-situ and Satellite Data for Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean, Istanbul Technical University, 2018
  • Ezgi Gizem Pelin, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Halim Aytekin Ergül, Investigation of pah and dl-pcb Levels in Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula) Sediment and Biota (notothenia coriiceps and trematomus bernacchii) Samples, Kocaeli University, 2018
  • Turkan Erdem, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Halim Aytekin Ergül, Investigation of Pesticide Congeners in Sediment and Fish Samples from Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula), Kocaeli University, 2018
  • Sinan Yirmibesoglu, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Özsoy, Sea Ice Observations & Maritime Meteorology Records during Turkish Antarctic Expedition–I (TAE-I), Istanbul Technical University, 2018
  • Berna Gurcan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Ayse Ozturk, Analysis of the Claims by the States in the Arctic Region within the Framework of Environmental Security and Climate Change, Ege University, 2019
  • Selvican Turkdogan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Doga Dogan, Heat Flow and Fluid Flow Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments in South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, Istanbul Technical University, 2019
  • Elvira Khafizullina, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Sezgin Kaya, Russia's Arctic Region Policy through Geopolitical Perspective, Bursa Uludag University, 2019
  • Ali Berkul, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Sebnem Udum, Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on Energy Security Policy of Russia in the Arctic Region, Hacettepe University, 2019
  • Suleyman Faruk Kirkinci, Advisor: Assist. Prof. Yilmaz Kaya, Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Dalapon Herbicide Degrading Bacterium from Antarctic Samples, Ondokuz Mayıs University Institute of Graduate Studies Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2020
  • Sena Gulsoy, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Didem Ozcimen, Bioprocess Design To Obtain Phycocyanin Pigment From Polar Algae, Yildiz Technical University Department of Bioengineering, June 2020.
  • Hilal CURA, Advisor: Assist. Prof. Nazli Olgun KIYAK, Identification Of Antarctic Freshwater Diatom Species Using Microscopic And Molecular Techniques, Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, July 2020.
  • Furkan Ali KUCUK, Advisor: Assist. Prof. Ceyhan KAHYA, Measurement and Analysis of Sky Brightness in TAE-3: A case study in Antarctica, Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science Engineering And Technology, July 2020.
  • Yağmur Güneş, Advisor: Prof. Nurgül Çelik Balcı, Co-Advisor: Paul A. Schroeder, Sediment and water geochemistry records of volcanic rock alteration under glacial melt conditions in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, 2020.
  • Tülay Borahan, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sezgin Bakırdere, Development of Novel Liquid and Solid Phase Microextraction Methods for the Determination of Iron, Cobalt and Cadmium, and Their Applications to Real Samples, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry, 2021.
  • Zeynep Tekin, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sezgin Bakırdere, Co-Advisor: Dr. Nizamettin Özdoğan, Application of Zirconium Nanoparticles and Graphene Oxide Functionalized Iron Nanocomposites for the Determination of Different Organic and Inorganic Analytes, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry, 2021.
  • Melis Yüksel, Advisor: Doç. Dr. Erdem İlker Mutlu, The Common Heritage of Mankind and Determination of the Legal Status of Antarctica, Hacettepe University, 2021.
  • Maral Selin Ercan, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sezgin Bakırdere, Development of a Sensitive Microextraction Strategy for the High-Accuracy Determination of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry, 2022.
  • Yagmur Tarhana, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Rasit Bilgin, Assessment of eukaryotic diversity around robert island in antarctica by metabarcoding, Bogazici University, 2022.
  • Efecan Özcan, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, Co-Advisor: Dr. Osman Okur, Determination of The Carbon Emissions of Antarctic Expeditionary Research Vessels, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering, 2022.
  • Doğaç Baybars Işıler, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, A Decadal Analysis of Antarctic Tourism and Investigation of Current Trends, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering, 2022.
  • Gamze Neşe Özcan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Elif Genceli Güner, Chemical Analysis of Antarctic Ice Core, Istanbul Technical University / Graduate School / Department of Chemical Engineering, 2022.
  • Şehriban Yiğit, Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Oğuz Selbesoğlu, A Review on the Renewable Energy Potential in Antarctica and the Turkish Research Base, Istanbul Technical University / Graduate School / Department of Geomatics Engineering, 2022.
  • İpek Şahin Tan, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sezgin Bakırdere, Development of a Simultaneous Extraction and Preconcentration Method for the Determination of Nickel at Trace Levels in Environmental Samples, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry, 2023.
  • Miraç Ercan Gürsoy, Advisor: Hilal Ay, Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Biodiversity of Horseshoe Island, Antarctica, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, 2023.
  • Esra Gunaydın, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Burak Akpinar, Investigation of Positional Accuracy of Photogrammetric Products Produced with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data in Glacial Areas, Istanbul Technical University Department of Geomatics Engineering, June 2023.
  • Arzu Bal, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ersan Başar, The change in arctic sea ice and the impact of global energy demand on LNG ship traffic, Karadeniz Technical University, 2023.
  • Mehmet Arkalı, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Oğuz Selbesoğlu, Glacier Monitoring and 3D Modeling Based on UAV-GPR Observations in Horseshoe Island, Antarctica, Istanbul Technical University, Geomatics Engineering, June 2024.
  • Şevval YALÇINKAYA BAY; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nurgül ÇELİK BALCI, Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Burcu ÖZSOY, Source and Geochemistry of Acidic Waters In King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula, İstanbul Technical University, Polar Sciences, July 2024.



  • Ozgun Oktar, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Evaluation of Minimum Equipment and Personnel Requirements of a Turkish Polar Research Vessel, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2015
  • Dogac Baybars Isıler, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Impact of Antarctic Tourism Cruises on the Formation and Distribution of Sea Ice, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2018
  • Buse Yaren Coskun, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Statistical Approach to Vessels Used During National Antarctic Expeditions And Turkısh Polar Vessel Suggestion, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2019
  • Mithat KERSU, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Activities of Ships according to Polar Code in the Arctic Region, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2019
  • Mustafa Ihsan Agsu, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Applications of Polar Code in the Antarctic Region, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2019
  • Mustafa Ozdemir, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Precautions Against Marine Pollution in Antarctica Region, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2019
  • Onur Can Kayhan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Investigation of Polar Class Turkish Ships within the scope of Polar Code and Shipyards That Can Build Polar Class Ships in Our Country, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, 2019
  • Onur Can Kayhan, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Burcu Ozsoy, Arzu Bal, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ersan Başar, The change in arctic sea ice and the impact of global energy demand on LNG ship traffic, Karadeniz Technical University, 2023.




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